Business Risks Facing Mining And Metals 2013 Ndash 2014

Business risks facing mining and metals 2014–2015
4 Business risks facing mining and metals 2014–2015 The top 10 business risks Productivity — a case for broad transformation 01 The signifi cant decline in productivity over the last 10 years was a by-product of a choice by industry participants to pursue volume growth at almost any cost during an unprecedented boom in commodity prices.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018
Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals 2017–2018 1 Executive summary Our number one risk this year is digital effectiveness. While the concept of digital mining is not new, there is disconnect between the potential from digital transformation and the successful implementation of new technologies. We believe that digital transformation

(PDF) Business risks facing mining and metals 2013–2014 ...
Business risks facing mining and metals 2013–2014

Top 10 business risks and opportunities – 2020 | EY - Global
Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals (Chapter breaker) 1. Chapter 1. License to operate (LTO) is the No. 1 risk for the second year in a row. License to operate and disruption run through this year’s risks, as social responsibility and broader stakeholder demands intensify.

The top risks facing the South African mining industry
21-11-2017· On a yearly basis listed companies use their integrated report to communicate to stakeholders the risks they have identified to the business and the management thereof. According to to industry-focused assurance, advisory and tax services provider PwC South Africa’s Mine Report 2017 , the industry has not seen a significant change in the risks identified by mining companies, being …

Business risks facing mining and metals 2013–2014 ER0069
4 The business risk report Mining and metals 2013–2014 The twin capital dilemmas of capital allocation and access to capital have rocketed to the top of the business risk list for mining and metals companies globally, up from number eight in 2012. These capital dilemmas are strategic risks that threaten the long-term growth prospects of the

Business risks facing mining and metals 2015–2016
Business risks facing mining and metals 2015–2016 3 organizations. Despite significantly less capital being allocated to projects, development continues because of the long lead times for projects approved during the super-cycle. EY research shows that, apart from fierce competition for capital within mining and metals companies, massive

E&Y - Business Risks Facing Mining and Metals in 2013/2014
E&Y - Business Risks Facing Mining and Metals in 2013/2014 1. Business risks facingmining and metals2013–2014 2. ContentsThe Ernst & Young business risk radar formining and metals 3Executive summary 4The top 10 business risks 101. Capital allocation and access 112. Margin protection and productivity improvement 193.

Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals
30-10-2018· 4 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20. 5 Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019–20 A narrow, legacy focus on license to operate may be the strategy that puts you out of business. Applying just the social and …

Business risks facing mining and metals 2013–2014 ER0069
4 The business risk report Mining and metals 2013–2014 The twin capital dilemmas of capital allocation and access to capital have rocketed to the top of the business risk list for mining and metals companies globally, up from number eight in 2012. These capital dilemmas are strategic risks that threaten the long-term growth prospects of the

Report: "Business risks facing mining and metals …
While the demand outlook remains strong, the price peaks have passed and so there is a much greater imperative for mining and metals companies to remain nimble and sure-footed in how they manage these fast-changing risks in order to balance the relative risk/reward equations demanded by both the Board and shareholders.6 The business risk report Mining and metals 2012–2013

Miners face 'capital dilemma'
The report, Ernst & Young's annual “Business risks facing mining and metals 2013-2014”, found that capital allocation and access to capital are the largest risks facing mining and metals ...

Canadian Mining Journal December 2014 by The Northern ...
Unearthing Trends. Preparing for the New Year with robust risk management Bruce Sprague is a Partner and EY’s Canadian Mining & Metals Leader.

Report highlights risk of Government’s mining agenda | …
13-06-2013· Home Raw News feed Green Party Report highlights risk of Government’s mining agenda ...

SA Mine 2018 - PwC
also reflected as a significant risk for mining companies. ... mining industry to precious metals is probably best explained by the split ... 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Source: Stats SA, PwC analysis Total revenue grew for the year to June 2018. This was mainly driven by

Research |
EY: Independent director’s cut – Business risks facing mining and metals, 2015–2016 Aside | Posted on November 4, 2015 by jvbmetals Metals Forum calls for innovation and industry collaboration in 2030 strategy #metals

IFC - International Finance Corporation
Ernst and Young’s report (2013-14) on the business risks . facing mining and metals listed ‘social licence to operate’ and ‘sharing the benefits’ among the top ten risks facing mining companies. 11. Companies that can do business in a way that provides opportunities for benefits sharing, community participation and local

Disponible en contentlibrary | Course Hero
Disponible en httpwwwminingnorthcomrscsite contentlibrary from FF 12 at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Инновационные технологии SAP для горнодобывающей …
3 «Big Data,For Better or Worse: 90% of theWorld’sData Generated in Last Two Years», ScienceDaily, май 2013 г. 4 Worldwide Internet of Things Spending by Vertical Market 2014±2018 Forecast, IDC, июнь 2014 г.

Miners face 'capital dilemma'
The report, Ernst & Young's annual “Business risks facing mining and metals 2013-2014”, found that capital allocation and access to capital are the largest risks facing mining and metals ...

IFC - International Finance Corporation
Ernst and Young’s report (2013-14) on the business risks . facing mining and metals listed ‘social licence to operate’ and ‘sharing the benefits’ among the top ten risks facing mining companies. 11. Companies that can do business in a way that provides opportunities for benefits sharing, community participation and local

Does tomorrow’s success depend on being bold today?
respondents of EY Business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-2020 survey, the majority of miners are investing 5% or less of their capital expenditure in digital technologies. How much more could they be optimizing and transforming their operations if they invested up to 20% of their capex budgets in digital and put capital at risk?

Report highlights risk of Government’s mining agenda | …
13-06-2013· Home Raw News feed Green Party Report highlights risk of Government’s mining agenda ...

Ahead of The Herd - Today’s Sweet Spot
E&Y’s Global Mining and Metals Center in the report, Business risks facing mining and metals 2013-2014. Consider: Canadian, United States and Australia have, over the last 20 years, cut exploration expenditures by half. The average time between discovery and production has climbed to …

SA Mine 2018 - PwC
also reflected as a significant risk for mining companies. ... mining industry to precious metals is probably best explained by the split ... 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Source: Stats SA, PwC analysis Total revenue grew for the year to June 2018. This was mainly driven by

Minerals Industry Challenges: Unlocking Australia's ...
The Top Business Risks for the Minerals Industry 1 ... Sharing the benefits Infrastructure access Threat of substitutes 1 Ernst & Young business risk facing mining and metals 2013-1014 9 . Leading Industry Innovation ... Far right image from SNL Metals &Mining, World exploration Trends 2014 11

White Paper Digital Transformation Initiative Mining and ...
In 2016, the initiative was extended to cover seven additional industries, including mining and metals, and two new cross-industry themes: platform economy, and societal value and policy imperatives. Through its broad focus, DTI has driven engagement on some of the most pressing topics facing industries and businesses today, and provided business

Problems in the mining industry in South africa - ECDPM
The current turbulence in the mining industry in South Africa has its roots in several different factors. First, the fall in global demand for platinum and other minerals due to recession; second, the consequences of the Marikana disaster in destabilising labour relations; and third, the structural character of our mining industry. A great deal has been written about the first two factors, so ...

Disponible en contentlibrary | Course Hero
Disponible en httpwwwminingnorthcomrscsite contentlibrary from FF 12 at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile