Placer Mining Claims For Sale In California

AGE, Placer Mining Claims For Sale, California
California. Placer Mining Claims For Sale *Featured Claim* Plumas County - North Fork Feather River Serpent's Tail 40 Acres - $9,500 $8,500. Please refresh this page for most current information. Recent Updates. Flying Squirrel claim, Squirrel Creek - SOLD! August 5;

Historical California Gold Mining Claims for Sale - The ...
These are real placer gold mining claims in some of the most significantly historic gold mining areas of California. Price per acre, apples to apples, I will put my claims up against the best (advertised) mining claims out there! If you can find a better claim for a better price, I would really like to know about it.

CALIFORNIA! NORTH YUBA MINING CLAIMS. 160 acres available. YUBA RIVER CALIFORNIA PLACER MINING CLAIM DUO AVAILABLE NOW FOR IMMEDIATE SALE! Slate City 80 Acres S9 T19N R08E N 1/2 of SE 1/4 CAMC 287820 Slate Junction 80 Acres S9 T19N R08E N 1/2 of SW 1/4 CAMC 287821 Price: $25,000 for BOTH Payment option with notarized agreement available.

California-Mining-Claims - Gold Mine Claims For Sale
Being offered is a 40 acre unpatented placer mining claim on the "South Fork Salmon River" in Siskiyou County California for $20,000. As you can see on the all TOPO map I provided there are many feeder creeks and gulches running into the South Fork Salmon River just upstream from this claim known as Schoolhouse Flat.

California Gold Mining Claims / Gold Mining Claims For ...
For instance, large placer gold mining claims (160 acres, for example) that a topographic map, photographs or on-site inspection clearly shows contains only 40 acres of placer gold bearing stream, or river channel, should only be a 40 acre placer gold mining claim. Because the excess ground is not placer type mineral-in-character.

property listings | goldproperties4sale
Mining claims for sale, Gold mines for sale! ... California Creek 20acres. $7,000.00 FINANCED!! GEDC0649.JPG. 1/12 GEDC0739.JPG. 1/16 ... 20 acre placer claim located in the Warren Mining District. Early workings are present. Situated on Steamboat Creek. $7,000.00 SOLD!!

Properties | Classifieds | ICMJ Prospecting & Mining Journal
MINING CLAIM FOR SALE. Southwestern OR—$400,000. 3/4 sq. mi.—(475 acres) under Placer Claim. 20 acres under Lode Claim. 6 major en echelon quartz fissures. Excellent production history. 3 established lode mines with free-milling ore (that we’ve located). Some ore out of 2nd level mine over 100 OPT in some bodies.

patented gold mining claims for sale | patented gold mines ...
gold claims and placer gold claims for sale, mining equipment for sale, sliuce boxes, trommels

California - Mining & Minerals | Bureau of Land Management
California Mining and Minerals. Public lands in California provides opportunities for the exploration, ... The California gold rush of the 1800s continues today with small miners mining for gold and silver in more than 5,000 mining claims and where rockhounders search for rocks, ... are subject to sale as opposed to rents and royalties.

Gold Mining Claim for sale | eBay
Gold mining claims and gold mines for sale can be found throughout most of the US west, including California, Colorado, Nevada, and Montana. You can also find gold mine claims in Alaska. The weather around California gold claims for sale may arguably be most suitable for the longest period of mining …

California-Mining-Claims - Gold Mine Claims For Sale
Being offered is a 40 acre unpatented placer mining claim on the "South Fork Salmon River" in Siskiyou County California for $20,000. As you can see on the all TOPO map I provided there are many feeder creeks and gulches running into the South Fork Salmon River just upstream from this claim known as Schoolhouse Flat.

California Mining Claims | The Diggings™
26,387 active mining claims. 296,844 closed mining claims. Talc-Soapstone , Silica , Lead , Iron , and Gold mines located in California. Listing claims originally filed between the 2020's and the 1870's.

Claims For Sale - Mineralstar Mining
Our claim listings are updated regularly, so please check back frequently for new additions. If you would like more information on a particular claim please use the link below to contact us. We also have many claims that are not listed, so if you don’t see quite what you’re looking for, let us know and we can find it …

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale ...
Gold & Silver Mines for Sale, Lease, and Joint Venture including small and large projects, Patented & BLM Claims, Turnkey Projects, and Prospector claims.

CALIFORNIA! NORTH YUBA MINING CLAIMS. 160 acres available. YUBA RIVER CALIFORNIA PLACER MINING CLAIM DUO AVAILABLE NOW FOR IMMEDIATE SALE! Slate City 80 Acres S9 T19N R08E N 1/2 of SE 1/4 CAMC 287820 Slate Junction 80 Acres S9 T19N R08E N 1/2 of SW 1/4 CAMC 287821 Price: $25,000 for BOTH Payment option with notarized agreement available.

For Sale:Patented Gold Claims - Openpoll
FOR SALE California Randsburg Mining District Gold Crown Consolidated Lode Claim, patented 47 acres Embracing Gold Crown Quartz Mine, Gold Queen Quartz Mine and Amended Gold King No. 2 Quartz Mine CONTACT David (951) 288-9075 or send email Brubaker-Culton Real Estate and Development Background. Mining operations have been dormant since the ...

Mining Claim for sale | eBay
Most Western states listed for mining claims on eBay have gold claims for sale. Some states have recreational mining claims for sale. Oregon gold claims for sale are also listed on eBay. Several other states have gold mine claims for sale. California: This is the original location of the gold rush, and it is possible that there is much more ...

California - Mining & Minerals | Bureau of Land …
California Mining and Minerals. Public lands in California provides opportunities for the exploration, ... The California gold rush of the 1800s continues today with small miners mining for gold and silver in more than 5,000 mining claims and where rockhounders search for rocks, ... are subject to sale as opposed to rents and royalties.

Gold Mining Claims Sale Arizona California Nevada
placer and lode gold mining claims for sale in arizona, california and nevada! Contact us today about discussing options with JV or lease to purchase terms on one of our projects. We have several projects available, varying from billion dollar opportunities, to assay proven projects ready to drill...

Mining Claims | Bureau of Land Management
MINING CLAIMSA mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit. This right does not include exclusive surface rights (see Public Law 84-167).There are three basic types of minerals on federally-administered lands: locatable, leasable, and salable.

For Sale:Patented Gold Claims - Openpoll
FOR SALE California Randsburg Mining District Gold Crown Consolidated Lode Claim, patented 47 acres Embracing Gold Crown Quartz Mine, Gold Queen Quartz Mine and Amended Gold King No. 2 Quartz Mine CONTACT David (951) 288-9075 or send email Brubaker-Culton Real Estate and Development Background. Mining operations have been dormant since the ...

Gold Mining Claims Sale Arizona California Nevada
placer and lode gold mining claims for sale in arizona, california and nevada! Contact us today about discussing options with JV or lease to purchase terms on one of our projects. We have several projects available, varying from billion dollar opportunities, to assay proven projects ready to drill...

Mining Claims For Sale. Some Of The Highest Quality …
High Grade Gold Mining Claims For Sale & Lease - Some of the highest quality gold mining claims offered on today's market. - The Claim Post - The most trusted name in gold mining claim listings. Mining Properties For Sale in one of the most historically gold-rich regions in the western United States. Placer & Hardrock Opportunities. Placer & hardrock gold mining and mineral exploration.

gold mining claims for sale - junior miners
16 contiguous rich gold placer claims for lease to experienced placer mining operation for a flat fee of 15% of all gold recovered. Good road access with.... Gold Mining Alaska 400 Acres State of Alaska Gold Claims. 1 1/2 North of Fairbanks in Livengood, AK with excellent road access. 2015 permits in place and.... Mining Claim In Ontario For Sale

Montana Gold Claims: Montana Placer Gold Claims For Sale
Barber Gulch Placer Gold Claim - 160 Acres- For Sale, Lease or Joint Venture BLM No. MTMMC 221585 . SE 1/4 Section 25, S 1/2 of N 1/2 and N1/2 of S 1/2 …

patented gold mining claims for sale | patented gold …
gold claims and placer gold claims for sale, mining equipment for sale, sliuce boxes, trommels

Claims For Sale | Gold Panning Utah
25-07-2020· Claims for Sale (or lease) in California. We currently have one 80 acre claim in the heart of prime California gold country. This area is know for chunky, high karat gold. The gold here has it source in the old paleo-placers that, once upon a time, ran north south.

Mining Claims - Western Mining Alliance
A mining claim can provide you with a lot of memories. You don't have to buy a claim, you can stake your own. We offer a variety of ways for you to get your own claim and we specialize in data. We watch over 330,000 claims across the west and we're able to spot the good claims …

Gold Mining Claims For Sale or Lease in Alaska - Gold ...
Sale or lease to qualified Placer Miner. All claims sold as a group. Call or e-mail for more information. Jim Hansen [email protected] 907-707-1090 or 907-304-1756. Coldfoot Area - Updated 7/26/20. 500+ acres placer gold mining claims, 17 miles south of Coldfoot with road access.

Lowest Priced Mines and Mining Claims for sale or joint ... lists choice proven mining and mineral properties for sale worldwide. We specialize in gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, and a wide variety of industrial minerals. It is our desire to assist both buyers and sellers to secure a deal that makes everyone happy.