Cable Hangers Ellis Patents Cable Hangers Cable Supports

Ellis Patents Pegasus Cable Hangers For Rail Cable Support
Ellis Patents Pegasus cable hangers can be used to support 11kV and 22kV feeder cables and 25kV traction substation cables in HV cable tunnels or trackside. Ellis Patents cable hanger systems are designed to overcome the challenges faced installing today’s modern rail cables in …

Cable Hangers - Galvanised Steel | Ellis Patents
innovative ellis improves on its tried, tested and trusted cable hangers The world’s leading cable cleat manufacturer, Ellis has shown that innovation doesn’t have to be restricted to new product development; having enhanced a product that has been one of its best-sellers for over 20-years.

Ellis Patents Pegasus Cable Hangers For Rail Cable Support
Ellis Patents Pegasus cable hangers can be used to support 11kV and 22kV feeder cables and 25kV traction substation cables in HV cable tunnels or trackside. Ellis Patents cable hanger systems are designed to overcome the challenges faced installing today's modern rail cables in …

Thorne & Derrick — Ellis Patents J Type Cable Hangers …
Ellis Patents J Type rail cable hangers are installed throughout the global rail industry - the J type cable hangers are made from hot dip galvanised steel to support single and multiple (2, 3, 4, 5, 6) cable runs.

Ellis Patents Non-Metallic Cable Hangers For Rail Cable ...
Ellis Patents Pegasus cable hangers are specified to provide cable support to rail cables in both underground (sub-surface) and surface installations. T&D are currently supplying several Network Rail tunnel cabling projects working with Carillion UK.

Cable Hangers LV MV HV Ellis Patents Cable Hangers ...
The Ellis Patents ranges of cable hangers are used to clamp, support and hang LV MV HV cables onto walls and support structures including cable tunnels and utility corridors. View the complete range of Cable Hangers below.

These Cable Hangers from Ellis Patents are used to hang cables onto walls and support structures. The Ellis Cable Hangers are manufactured from Mild Steel. Ellis Patents Galvanised Mild Steel Cable Hangers – Features. Hot dipped galvanised after manufacture to BS EN ISO 1461:1999. Special Cable Hanger designs available on request e.g. Girder hanging, 90° Twist, side by side cables. Various …

cable-hangers-grid - Ellis Patents
> Cable Hangers – Galvanised Steel > cable-hangers-grid. cable-hangers-grid. Categories. General; News; Oil & Gas; Power Generation & Distribution; cable-hangers-grid. Share Back to news Ellis Patents Ltd. High Street, Rillington, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8LA United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 1944 758 395; Fax: +44 (0) 1944 758 808; Email ...

Ellis Patents Pegasus Nylon Cable Hangers
Ellis Patents Pegasus nylon cable hangers are a non-metallic modular cable hanging system complete with a 6000 series aluminium shrouded spine. The cable hangers are manufactured from a high strength nylon and can be manufactured to meets the requirements of the London Underground 1-085 specification with independent testing taken place to prove the conformity to the standard including …

Cable Cleats for Industrial Applications | Ellis Patents
{:en}Ellis Patents are a leading manufacturer of cable cleats for single, multiple and trefoil industrial and electrical applications.{:es}Ellis Patents are a leading manufacturer of cable cleats for single, multiple and trefoil industrial and electrical applications{:pt}Ellis Patents are a leading manufacturer of cable cleats for single, multiple and trefoil industrial and electrical ...

Cable Hangers & Hooks Archives - Ellis Patents
Ellis Patents Ltd. High Street, Rillington, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8LA United Kingdom

All Products | Cable Hangers | Ellis Patents ...
Hanger, Cable 6 Way Size 3, for Wall/Support Structure 76-100mm: Mild Steel Hot Dipped Galvanised: PG050-1: Hanger, Modular Cable 1 Way Size 1, 1-085 LUL Approved 50mm: PG050-2: Hanger, Modular Cable 2 Way Size 1, 1-085 LUL Approved 50mm

Ellis Patents Pegasus Modular Nylon Cable Hangers
Ellis Patents Pegasus Modular Nylon Cable Hangers Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Ellis Patents CH2W2 : Hanger, Cable 2 Way Size 2, for …
View trade pricing and product data for Ellis Patents, CH2W2 Hanger, Cable 2 Way Size 2, for Wall/Support Structure, Cable Hangers, All Products. Size: 51-75mm, Finish: Mild Steel Hot Dipped Galvanised, TSI Code: 684714.

Ellis Patents Cable Hangers (J Type - Galvanised Steel)
Ellis Patents Cable Hangers (J Type - Galvanised Steel)

Cable Hangers J Type Nylon - Ellis Patents Pegasus
Cable Hangers J Type Nylon - Ellis Patents Pegasus Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Cable Hangers J Type Galvanised Steel - Ellis Patents
Cable Hangers J Type Galvanised Steel - Ellis Patents Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Cable Hangers - Non Metallic Cable Hanging Systems LV …
Ellis Patents Non Metallic Cable Hanging Systems (LV MV HV Cable) are a range of modular cable hangers used for cable support typically in rail applications as they meet the requirements of the London Underground 1-085 specification.. The hangers are manufactured from nylon and provide a lightweight, strong and flexible solution that can be designed and made to order.

Cable hangers - tried, tested, trusted & improved - Ellis ...
Cable hangers – tried, tested, trusted & improved. Categories. General; News; Oil & Gas; Power Generation & Distribution; Cable hangers – tried, tested, trusted & improved. Share Back to news Ellis Patents Ltd. High Street, Rillington, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8LA United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0) 1944 758 395; Fax: +44 (0) 1944 758 808;

Cable Hangers (J Type) - CH1W1 - 1 Way, Up to 50mm Cable Support . Cable Hangers - J Hangers. Ellis Patents . CH1W1 . Ellis Patents Cable Hangers CH1W1 (J type) are manufactured from mild steel flat bar, spot welded to a mounting plate and hot dipped galvanised to BS729:1971.. Ellis Patents CH1W1 J Type Cable Hangers - Design Specification

Cable Cleats | Cable Clamps | Cable Hangers 11kV 33kV …
View below our complete range of Cable Cleats used to clamp and retain low, medium and high voltage cables in the event of a short circuit, including 11kV/33kV MV-HV power cables – single, trefoil, quadrofoil and multiple bundled cable configurations can be cleated using Ellis Patents and Prysmian manufactured cable cleats in a choice of materials including nylon, stainless steel and aluminium.

Strutfast | LinkedIn
Specialties Cable Ladder, Cable Tray, Wire Mesh, Power Trunking, Walraven Electrical Support Systems, Lindapter Mechanical Support, Ellis Patents Cable Cleats, Doby Grip Wire Hanging Systems, and ...

DWV Hangers | Oatey
Oatey® offers a complete range of pipe support products for all of your application needs. Whether you are securing to or supporting below the wall, ceiling or floor, Oatey® offers DWV hangers including J-Hooks, Hanger Straps, Cable Conduit, Duct Ties and more.

Shipbuilding / Offshore: Cable & Pipe Hangers, Tubing ...
Sunbelt Stud Welding specializes in products used specifically by the shipbuilding / offshore industry such as Cable, Pipe and Trapeze Hangers, Tubing Spacers, Stack Studs and Navy Weld Studs. For further assistance please contact us, 1-800-462-9353 .

Arlington | Steel Cable Hangers
One-piece, galvanized steel cable hangers mount many ways on a variety of surfaces. Features and Benefits · Saves money...use SMC steel hangers in place of cable tray · Each cable is held in place independently, so there's no bundling of cables or derating of conduit · Accepts a wide range of cables... .375 - .625 · Mounts on concrete block walls or ceilings and screw mounts on metal or ...

Suspension Hooks Data Sheet - Spanish - Ellis Patents
Why Ellis? What are cable cleats? ... Ellis Patents > Cable Hangers & Hooks > Suspension Hooks Data Sheet – Spanish > Suspension Hooks Data Sheet ... Power Generation & Distribution; Suspension Hooks Data Sheet – Spanish. Share Back to news Ellis Patents Ltd. High Street, Rillington, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 8LA United Kingdom. Tel ...

Cable Hangers | Wire/Cable/Hose Management | Electrical ...
Conductor Support Cover-Up Equipment ... How To Buy MyHubbell Patents. EDI. International Sites. Hubbell Canada Hubbell Products Mexico Hubbell UK. Hubbell India. Resources. Resources. Investor Center. ... Cable Hangers Cable Ties and Clips ...

Arlington | SMC4F Product Information
Steel cable hanger that holds and supports a wide range of cable sizes. Mounts to many different surfaces and supports up to 4 cables. Can be ganged for …

Electrical cable cleats, cable fixings, pipe clips and ...
Ellis Patents was founded in York in the North of England in the early 1960s to design and manufacture specialised electrical cable cleats and pipe fixings which were and still are marketed to all the major electrical utilities as well as to HVAC distribution companies in the U.K.

hooks, hangers
At the same time, we manufacture a wide variety of high quality hooks, hangers, and innovative CAB products for customers worldwide. The sale of CAB Products helps support our services to more than 500 persons with disabilities.