Greenhills Coal Mine Collective Agreement

Greenhills - Teck
Greenhills produces steelmaking coal – also called metallurgical coal or coking coal — which is used to make steel. We export the processed coal by sea to the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere. This involves the shipment of the steelmaking coal from the mine site to bulk port terminals in Vancouver by rail.

collective agreement between teck coal ltd. – elkview operations and united steel, paper and forestry, rubber, manufacturing, energy, allied industrial and service workers international union (united steelworkers) local 9346 . 3 ... appendix c mine maintenance ...

Kemmerer Gazette | Westmoreland asks court for …
Left: Kemmerer coal miners and United Mine Workers of America leadership packed the Event Center on April 20, 2018, to hear contract negotiations between UMWA and Westmoreland leadership. The collective bargaining agreement that was negotiated at this meeting is the subject of Westmoreland’s recent petition to a bankruptcy judge.

2016 2021 TO COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT - USW local 7884
COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT Between TECK COAL LIMITED, FORDING RIVER OPERATIONS And USW LOCAL 7884 MAY 1, 2016 - APRIL 30, 2021. FORDING RIVER OPERATIONS - and - USW LOCAL 7884 ... sive and undisputed right and responsibility to manage its mines, Agreement. Agreement…

Greenhills coal mine - Wikimapia
Teck Coal's Greenhills mine opened in 1981 and produces 5.5 million tonnes of metallurgical coal per year. The mine operates out of two pits, Greenhills and Greenhills North, the latter being just to the west of the Fording River Wash Plant.

Bankrupt Westmoreland Coal granted permission to sever ...
26-02-2019· On Feb. 15, Judge David Jones of the federal bankruptcy court in Houston, Texas, ruled that Westmoreland Coal Company could sever union collective bargaining agreements for its active and former mining operations, according to the United Mine Workers of America and court documents.The decision includes the termination of three different collective bargaining agreements, including one …

Coal Mountain Operations Collective Agreement
Coal at Coal Mountain Phase II if such operation replaces Coal Mountain Operation. ... Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia. Four (4) ... Collective Agreement while on leave save and except upon conclusion of the leave the employee’s seniority shall

Apogee Coal v. Intern. Union, United Mine Workers, 12 F ...
Apogee Coal v. Intern. Union, United Mine Workers, 12 F. Supp. 2d 19 ... negotiated the National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement of 1993 ("NBCWA"), a collective bargaining agreement that set the terms and conditions of employment for UMWA members employed at signatory operations.

COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN LINE CREEK OPERATIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS ... 8.10 (d) – Mine Helper Position 24 8.10 (e) – Red Circled Rates 24 8.11 – Pre ... and a profitable supplier of coal with a working environment where all employees feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Agreements | FWC Main Site
Enterprise agreements can be tailored to meet the needs of particular enterprises. An agreement must leave an employee better off overall when compared to the relevant award or awards. Enterprise agreements are collective agreements made at an enterprise level between employers and employees about terms and conditions of employment.

Coal Mountain Operations Collective Agreement
Coal at Coal Mountain Phase II if such operation replaces Coal Mountain Operation. ... Safety and Reclamation Code for Mines in British Columbia. Four (4) ... Collective Agreement while on leave save and except upon conclusion of the leave the employee’s seniority shall

Jail working conditions compared to that of ‘coal mine ...
10-09-2020· Jail working conditions compared to that of ‘coal mine’ Scott Huddleston Sep. 10, 2020 Updated: Sep. 10, 2020 4 a.m. Facebook Twitter Email LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest

Cumberland Mine workers ratify contract | Business ...
12-09-2020· After several months of talks, union workers at Cumberland Mine have ratified a collective bargaining agreement. The United Mine Workers of America announced the accord over the weekend, saying the contract affects about 475 members at the Contura Energy-owned facility in Franklin Township, outside ...

Coal producers set up for collective negotiations with ...
Coal operation at the Mt Owen mine in New ... The term offered by PNO under the agreement is 10 years. The ACCC had earlier allowed coal producers to commence collective negotiations with PNO in ...

Teck Resources Limited Line Creek Collective Agreement …
Line Creek Collective Agreement by 24hgold 24hgold . Gold & Silver Prices in ...

Collective Agreements Database -
Agreement. (a) Rs. 5/- per ton already paid by the company on production of coal every month to Medical Treatment Committee, for expenses salary of Staff & Doctors, Medicines and all requirement for treatment of workers at mines site hospital.

Trapper Mine likely to close between 2026-30 with more ...
Trapper, a surface mine, was opened to supply units 1 and 2 at the plant, and produced about 2 million tons of coal last year, Morriss said. Both the mine and those units are owned by multiple ...

United Mine Workers of America Ratify New Collective ...
The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) today announced that their membership has voted in favor of ratification of a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Murray American Energy, Inc. The anticipated new owners of the company have agreed upon the closing of the company’s anticipated sale transaction to recognize the terms and conditions of the new CBA.

Collective Bargaining - UMWA
Collective bargaining created the middle class in North America. Many benefits workers enjoy today, such as the eight-hour day, overtime pay, weekends, no child labor, health care and retirement benefits were all first negotiated by labor unions. Indeed, most of those things were first negotiated by the UMWA. The contracts are enforced by the union […]

Kemmerer Gazette | Kemmerer mine sold, judge rules ...
Western Coal Acquisition Partners has made a successful bid to purchase the Kemmerer mine from Westmoreland Coal Company for $215 million, according to an asset purchase agreement filed in a Houston, Texas, bankruptcy court on Tuesday, Feb. 19.

Eastern Associated Coal Corp. v. Mine Workers :: 531 U.S ...
60 EASTERN ASSOCIATED COAL CORP. v. MINE WORKERS. I. Petitioner, Eastern Associated Coal Corp., and respondent, United Mine Workers of America, are parties to a collective-bargaining agreement with arbitration provisions. The agreement specifies that, in arbitration, in order to discharge an employee, Eastern must prove it has "just cause."

Glencore's working practices
During 2017, we negotiated new enterprise agreements with local Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) lodges at 13 of our Australian coal operations. In 2018, we also reached agreement at Oaky North mine.

North Goonyella Underground Mine Collective Enterprise ...
Back to top. North Goonyella Underground Mine Collective Enterprise Agreement 2015

UMWA members ratify new contract at Cumberland mine, …
15-08-2020· FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUGUST 15, 2020 [TRIANGLE, VA.] The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) announced today that its members working at Contura Energy’s Cumberland Mine in Greene County, Pa., ratified a new five-year collective bargaining agreement, which will become effective immediately. UMWA members at five Contura coal processing plants in …

The United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) represents approximately 60,000 working coal miners and 120,000 retirees who are covered by the 1988 National Bituminous Coal Wage Agreement (NBCWA), a contract that is negotiated between the UMWA and the Bituminous Coal Operators Association (BCOA).

Kemmerer Gazette | Kemmerer mine sold, judge rules ...
Western Coal Acquisition Partners has made a successful bid to purchase the Kemmerer mine from Westmoreland Coal Company for $215 million, according to an asset purchase agreement filed in a Houston, Texas, bankruptcy court on Tuesday, Feb. 19.

NUM confirms new coal industry wage deal with Chamber ...
THE National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) confirmed it had signed a new, three-year agreement with the Chamber of Mines except at Kangra Coal were a strike is due to start on Friday (November 25) after the union issued a 48-hour strike notice yesterday.. The agreement, which is effective from June or July 2017, depending on the employee category and mine, is broadly a 7.5% or inflation plus a ...

Eastern Associated Coal Corp. v. United Mine Workers of ...
Eastern Associated Coal and the United Mine Workers were parties to a collective bargaining agreement which contained provisions requiring arbitration. One such provision, key to the case, was that in any arbitration hearing where Eastern sought to discharge an employee, Eastern had to prove "just cause" for the discharge; otherwise, the arbitrator would order the employee to be reinstated.

A Short History of Coal Mining in the Elk Valley ...
In 1906 CPR, who had been kept from mining coal in the Elk Valley for 10 years because of the Tripartite Agreement, began construction of its Hosmer Mine six miles north of Fernie. By 1908 entries had been driven, a massive tipple and boiler house/power house complex were operational and 240 more coke ovens were added to the valley’s total.

The mine is located between the Coal Mountain mine to the south and the Line Creek mine to the norht. History of the Elkview Coal Mine (Balmer Mine) Elkview Operations has the largest amount of reserves of the six Teck coal mines. With over 235 million tonnes of clean coal reserves, the mine life is more than 47 years at current production rates.