Callahan District Western Mining History

Callahan District - Western Mining History
Callahan is in south-central Siskiyou County in the upper Scott River region. During the early days there was considerable gold production from old bench gravels and gulches tributary to the river in the south portion of the district. The town was. named for M. B. Callahan, who established a store here in 1851.

Callahan District -
The Callahan District is a gold mine located in Siskiyou county, California. Premium members have access to Google dynamic maps. Please consider becoming a member

Callahan - Western Mining History
Elevation: 3,100 Feet (945 Meters) Primary Mineral: Gold Lat, Long: 41.31278, -122.80056

Callahan Creek Logging and Mining Historic District ...
It is a story arc that the forest service follows at other sites in a region the service describes as the Callahan Creek Historic Mining and Logging District. It is a very useful perspective on the town’s history, and not one that I pursued in 1984 when I explored this part of Lincoln County in the fieldwork for the state historic preservation plan.

As It Was: Callahan Mining District Produces Gold in 1916 ...
Another Callahan mining district operation, the Bell Josephine, located six miles southwest of Callahan, covered 160 acres that included the earlier Abers, Carter, and old placer mines. A two-mile ...

Callahan Mining District | Jefferson Public Radio
Callahan Mining District. Search Query Show Search. News. JPR News | Home; Oregon News; ... Mission & History; JPR Broadcast Center; State of Jefferson; JPR Staff & Volunteers; Inside JPR ...

Siskiyou County, California Mines - Western Mining History
Callahan District . Campbell Placer Mine ... Salmon River District . Salmon River ... Western Mining History is your source for over 116,000 mines in the western states. Join Our List. Please add your email address and specify your topics of interest.

Western Mining History
The Western Mining History Mines Explorer Pro is an interactive map that displays over 116,000 mines from the USGS MRDS database, lode and placer claims by PLSS section centers, mining towns, and mining district information. The Mines Explorer Pro is available to Mines level premium members.

Klamath River District -
The district locations from this book have been added to the WMH Gold Explorer The Klamath River flows across the northern portion of the Klamath Mountain province. It enters the Klamath Mountains in the vicinity of Hornbrook, flowing southwest and then generally west for more than 50 miles, crossing a number of well-known mining districts.

Gold Districts of California
Angels Camp District Badger Hill District Bagby District Bangor-Wyandotte District Bidwell Bar District Big Creek District Big Dry Creek District Big Oak Flat District Bishop Creek District Blue Mountain District Blue Tent District Brandy City District Browns Valley District Brownsville District Buckeye District Butte Creek District Butt Valley ...

Callahan Creek Logging and Mining Historic District ...
It is a story arc that the forest service follows at other sites in a region the service describes as the Callahan Creek Historic Mining and Logging District. It is a very useful perspective on the town’s history, and not one that I pursued in 1984 when I explored this part of Lincoln County in the fieldwork for the state historic preservation plan.

Callahan Mine, Brooksville, Blue Hill - Castine Mining ...
Callahan Mine, Brooksville, Blue Hill - Castine Mining District, Hancock Co., Maine, USA Chalcopyrite with bornite and pyrite in granular calcite from the 1970s era open pit operations of the Callahan Mine at Goose Pond, Cape Rosier, Brooksville, Maine.

Unnamed Cr occurrence [6], Smith Hill, Callahan Mining ...
Unnamed Cr occurrence [6], Smith Hill, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A reported Cr occurrence located in sec. 22, T41N, R9W, MDM, 5.1 km (3.2 miles) N of Smith Hill, along French Creek, a tributary of the Scott River. MRDS database stated accuracy for this location is ...

Slide Creek Placer Mine, Camp Eden, Callahan Mining ...
Slide Creek Placer Mine, Camp Eden, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A former placer Au-Ag mine located 3.4 km (2.1 miles) SSE of Camp Eden, on Blue Jay ridge, the divide between Slide Creek and the South Fork Scott River.

Welker Placer Mine, Schneider Hill, Callahan Mining ...
Welker Placer Mine, Schneider Hill, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A former placer Au-Ag mine located 3.3 km (2.1 miles) SE of Schneider Hill (coordinates of record), along Grouse Creek.

Porters Bar Dredging Company Mine, Callahan, Callahan ...
Porters Bar Dredging Company Mine, Callahan, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A former placer (dredge) Au mine located 2.7 km (8,800 feet) NNW of Callahan, along the Scott River (Scott Valley). Also located in the S½ sec. 6. NOTE: This locality is evidenced on the USGS topo ...

Oregon Historical Mining Information - Lake County …
Mining Records - Lake County The digital records available here are scans of the literature originally found in DOGAMI published and unpublished hardcopy holdings. Scans have been combined into single PDFs that may include maps, letters, news clippings, photographs, and reports.

Digging deep into Western North Carolina’s mining …
01-06-2013· We say we are the most important mining district not just in Western North Carolina, not just in North Carolina, but in the United States and in the world.” “It just happens that when the rock (quartz) was formed, Mother Nature gave it the properties that the industry needs,” said Robert Mensah-Biney, director N.C. State University Minerals Research Laboratory in Asheville.

Goldrich Mining - Chandalar Gold District - History
Prospecting and mining within the Chandalar gold district date back to the early 1900’s. Early exploration delineated rich placer gold deposits that created a small rush to the district. This was followed later by multiple discoveries of auriferous quartz-sulfide prospects, including four gold veins which are considered to be the source of the alluvial deposits.

Old West Lawmen List – C – Legends of America
Frank M. Canton, aka: Joe Horner (1849-1927) – Cowboy and outlaw, Canton eventually became a respected and honest lawman.. John Carlton (1837-1887) – U.S. Deputy Marshal commissioned in the Western District at Fort Smith, Arkansas. He was killed in the line of duty on November 5, 1887. Carlton was born about 1837 and resided at Searcy, Arkansas.

Slide Creek Placer Mine, Camp Eden, Callahan Mining ...
Slide Creek Placer Mine, Camp Eden, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A former placer Au-Ag mine located 3.4 km (2.1 miles) SSE of Camp Eden, on Blue Jay ridge, the divide between Slide Creek and the South Fork Scott River.

Porters Bar Dredging Company Mine, Callahan, Callahan ...
Porters Bar Dredging Company Mine, Callahan, Callahan Mining District (Scott River Mining District), Klamath Mountains, Siskiyou Co., California, USA : A former placer (dredge) Au mine located 2.7 km (8,800 feet) NNW of Callahan, along the Scott River (Scott Valley). Also located in the S½ sec. 6. NOTE: This locality is evidenced on the USGS topo ...

Mining in Western Australia - Wikipedia
Mining in Western Australia, together with the petroleum industry in the state, accounted for 94% of the State's and 41% of Australia's income from total merchandise exports in 2018–19.The state of Western Australia hosted 127 principal mining projects and hundreds of smaller quarries and mines. The principal projects produced more than 99 per cent of the industry's total sales value.

Pennsylvania Coal Mining History, Disasters, and Tours
History of Coal Mining . The Pittsburgh Coal Seam, especially the high-quality coal from the Connellsville District, had the best coal in the nation for making coke, the principal fuel for iron blast furnaces. The first use of coke in an iron furnace occurred in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, in 1817.

Black Canyon-Kay Mining District, Arizona | The Diggings™
Arizona's Black Canyon-Kay Mining District includes 608 nearby claims—482 active and 126 closed—and 75 nearby mines—6 occurrences, 31 prospects, 2 plants, and 36 producers.

Oregon Historical Mining Information - Lake County …
Mining Records - Lake County The digital records available here are scans of the literature originally found in DOGAMI published and unpublished hardcopy holdings. Scans have been combined into single PDFs that may include maps, letters, news clippings, photographs, and reports.

Western Region (Ghana) - Wikipedia
The Western Region is located in south Ghana, spreads from the Ivory Coast (Comoé District) in the west to the Central region in the east, includes the capital and large twin city of Sekondi-Takoradi on the coast, coastal Axim, and a hilly inland area including Elubo.It includes Ghana's southernmost location, Cape Three Points, where crude oil was discovered in commercial quantities in June 2007.

Old West Lawmen List – C – Legends of America
Frank M. Canton, aka: Joe Horner (1849-1927) – Cowboy and outlaw, Canton eventually became a respected and honest lawman.. John Carlton (1837-1887) – U.S. Deputy Marshal commissioned in the Western District at Fort Smith, Arkansas. He was killed in the line of duty on November 5, 1887. Carlton was born about 1837 and resided at Searcy, Arkansas.

Mining in Australia - Wikipedia
Mining in Australia has long been a significant primary industry and contributor to the Australian economy by providing export income, royalty payments and employment. Historically, mining booms have also encouraged population growth via immigration to Australia, particularly the gold rushes of the 1850s. Many different ores, gems and minerals have been mined in the past and a wide variety are ...

Iron ore mining in Western Australia - Wikipedia
History. While the Pilbara iron ore deposits were known, such as the Mount Whaleback deposit discovered in 1957 by Stan Hilditch, it was not until 1960, when the Australian Government lifted the embargo on iron ore exports that it had put in place because of concerns the mineral was in short supply, that mining began in earnest. Up until the mid-1960s, iron ore production in Western Australia ...